TCFD disclosures
Section | Disclosure | Page | Assured by the auditor |
Governance Describe the Board’s oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities |
| Climate change and energy efficiency | Assured |
| Climate change and energy efficiency, Sustainability Management | Assured | |
Strategy Disclose the actual and potential impact of climate-related risks and opportunities on the organisation’s businesses, strategy, and financial planning |
| Climate change and energy efficiency | Not assured |
| Strategy of sustainable growth, Climate change and energy efficiency | Assured | |
| Strategy of sustainable growth, Climate change and energy efficiency | Not assured | |
Risk management Describe how the organisation identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks |
| Climate change and energy efficiency, Internal Control and Risk Management | Not assured |
| Climate change and energy efficiency, Internal Control and Risk Management | Assured | |
| Internal Control and Risk Management | Assured | |
Metrics and targets Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks |
| Enviromental management | Assured |
| Climate change and energy efficiency | Assured | |
| Enviromental management | Assured |